Air Filtration and Air Purification 101


Air Filtration and Air Purification Tips for Homeowners

It is not unusual to step outside and take a deep breath; outdoor air seems to smell so good. Well, most of the time it does.

Environmental studies indicate that the air inside homes and businesses is 3 to 5 times more contaminated than outdoor air. This is troubling under normal circumstances, but when a family member suffers from breathing difficulties (allergies, asthma) or a compromised immune system, indoor air quality becomes extremely important.

We attempt to make our homes comfortable, safe havens. The building envelope is designed to keep indoor air inside and outdoor air outside. While this keeps us comfortable, it allows the concentration of airborne particles to build. Improving air quality with air filtration systems begins by isolating the type of contaminants and finding solutions to handle them.

Organic Contaminants

While outdoor air has plenty of oxygen, it also contains gifts from living organisms that surround us. They include pollen from flowers, trees, grass, and shrubs, mold and mildew spores, bacteria, and viruses. Included in this category are dust mites, microscopic insects that feed on the dust and dander floating around a home. Mites can be troubling for folks who suffer from allergies. What can be done with organic contaminants?

  • Removing shoes and coats at the door prevents particles from being spread broadly throughout the home.
  • Careful cleaning is key to removing organic substances. Since the particles are heavier than air, gravity causes them to drop onto every surface in the home. Frequent dusting, mopping, and vacuuming remove the particles that have fallen.
  • The air filter in the HVAC system efficiently captures particles with every cooling and heating cycle. However, for the filter to function properly, it needs to be changed frequently, at least every three months. If air quality is a priority, it may be necessary to change the filter more often.
  • The HVAC system uses a network of ducts to move air throughout the home. Particles also tend to collect inside the ducts and need to be cleaned to ensure air quality. It is recommended that ductwork be cleaned about every 3 to 5 years.
  • Ultraviolet light disrupts organic cells’ DNA and cell walls, effectively neutralizing them as allergens. Installing ultraviolet lights inside the ductwork is a great auxiliary device to combat organic particles. They become inert and can be more easily collected by cleaning and filtration. Ask your HVAC professional whether UV lights will improve air quality in your home.

Gaseous Compounds

Another source of contamination is a variety of gaseous substances that are found in and around each home. Most manufactured items, including flooring, furniture, and bedding, release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the indoor air. They are also found in paints, stains, and adhesives. Vehicles and lawn care equipment, stored in the garage, bring gaseous fuels and exhaust within the building envelope. Filters do not capture gases; different solutions are required.

  • Air quality care can begin with the garage. Do not let internal combustion engines idle in the garage; remove them as soon as possible. Garaged vehicles should not need to “warm up” in the winter, so move them without delay. Make sure to weatherstrip the door between the garage and the home to prevent infiltration of fumes. (Homes with an attached garage should also have a CO detector as a safety device.)
  • VOC concentrations can be removed by simply opening a window or door for a few minutes. Pick a mild day with a light breeze and bring fresh air in from the outdoors. Be mindful of pollen and mold count for the day to gain the desired results.
  • If VOCs are a particular concern, consider a portable room air purifier. Air purifiers have several stages of filtration, including an activated charcoal filter. Charcoal is effective at removing odors and other gaseous contaminants.

Contact the Air Filtration and Air Purification experts!

Let All Star A/C & Heating Services help with your Air Filtration and Air Purification needs. We have a seasoned team of HVAC contractors who will inspect, clean, and make suggestions on any repairs needed to keep you and your family safe with the highest indoor air quality.



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