AC UV Light Installation: Do they really help?


AC UV Light Installation: Is it worth it?

An important function of air conditioning is ventilation—the cleaning and movement of fresh air throughout a space. Without air conditioning, homes would contain humid, stagnant air full of airborne contaminants and pathogens. All homes need fresh clean air, but for some families, indoor air quality carries a greater importance.

  • Families with compromised immune systems, allergies, or asthma need to reduce the number of dangerous triggers
  • Homes near sources of high concentrations of airborne triggers need extra care
  • Family members who need higher assurance of clean indoor air need extra guarantees

After a worldwide pandemic, all of us are a little on edge about indoor air quality.

Air conditioning alone works very efficiently at removing several problem sources of poor indoor air.

  • During each cooling cycle, the evaporator coil removes excess humidity from indoor air. The ideal indoor relative humidity is between 40 and 60%; summertime relative humidity in south Texas can be 70, 80, and 90% plus. Excess humidity would promote the growth of mold, mildew, and algae inside the ductwork and in moist areas, such as showers and tubs.
  • During each cooling cycle, even a normal air filter removes most airborne particles up to a certain size. Changing the air filter regularly removes these particles from the home forever.

But wait! There’s more! If your family needs enhanced indoor air quality, auxiliary products such as a AC UV Light Installation are available to help further clean the air.

Enhanced Filters

Biological pollutants are plentiful: dust mites, pollen, mold spores, bacteria, and viruses are the most common irritants. Inorganic pollutants include smoke, exhaust, VOCs, etc. Some of these irritants can also be removed via air filters.

Air filters are rated by the size of openings between filter fibers, using a MERV rating or Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. MERV ratings range from 1 to 20—the larger the number, the smaller the opening. Filters with a MERV rating higher than 16 are called HEPA or High-Efficiency Particle Air filters and are hospital and laboratory-rated filters.

Ultraviolet Light

Some newer HVAC systems may be equipped with ultraviolet lights, but generally, all systems can be retrofitted with a simple installation. Why are UV lights relevant to indoor air quality?

We are familiar with UV light: it is the portion of sunlight that gives us sunburn. The ultraviolet portion of sunlight disrupts the DNA in cells and breaks down cell membranes . . . and it hurts. When UV light acts on microscopic organisms, such as dust mites, or single-cell organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, the effect is the same, and it is deadly.

A technician will install a series of UV lights inside the ductwork where it cannot harm people or pets. When organic allergens encounter UV rays, they are destroyed and neutralized, becoming inert and incapable of further harm.

Consult with your HVAC professional to determine which air quality enhancements are available with your system.

AC UV Light Installation: Let Us Keep Your Indoor Air Quality at its Best

All Star A/C & Heating Services has been providing our customers with the best indoor air quality with AC UV light installation for many years. We have a seasoned team of AC UV light installation technicians who will install and educate you about the new AC UV light system.




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